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  • Writer's pictureBecky Shoon

25 Power Affirmations

Updated: Jun 7, 2021

The way that we speak to ourselves, the voice in our head, matters.

From my experience, I have said some unthinkably heart-wrenching things to myself in my head, comments that I could not imagine saying to another human being, such as "in your meaningless existence", "you will never be enough", "this will never get better".

In the words of Tony Robbins, "Where focus goes, energy flows". This is why it is so critically important that we speak to ourselves from a place of love and empowerment. Power affirmations are not supposed to be unattainable, or overwhelming, but rather uplifting and fulfilling. I have written 25 below (one for each year I have been around the sun) that you are more than welcome to adopt or use as motivation to create affirmations that are in alignment with you.

"Where focus goes, energy flows" - Tony Robbins

1. I am consistently strengthening the relationship I have with myself.

2. I am in control of my own happiness. I have all the validation that I seek internally.

3. I trust my gut and my intuition to guide me.

4. I am connected to others through this experience of life.

5. Perfection doesn't exist. I recognise my strengths and acknowledge the positive impact I can make on others and the world.

6. I can access my deep inner peace in any moment.

7. I choose to let go of that which is no longer serving me.

8. I am shifting my mindset towards money.

9. Gratitude breeds more things to be grateful for.

10. I attract meaningful connections.

11. My energy is magnetic. I radiate love and others reflect that back to me.

12. When things feel heavy, I am extra gentle and compassionate with myself.

13. I have the ability to make a difference and help others.

14. I prioritise my wellbeing and release the need to people-please over my health and happiness.

15. My potential is infinite and limitless.

16. My potential excites me.

17. I welcome all emotions and know that I am the observer of my thoughts. *Name it to tame it*

18. When I fill my cup first, I allow myself to be overflowing with love and abundance.

19. I have the freedom and power to create the life I desire.

20. My voice is worthy of being heard so I speak my truth.

21. I am supported by the Earth beneath me.

22. I am thankful to my body for showing up for me every single day.

23. I am full of light and juicy goodness.

24. I am recognising what success looks like for me.

25. I am a powerhouse of a woman.

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